Listing Rules and Forms

CSX Listing Rules - Complete

Complete CSX Listing Rules, 2023 version

Listing Rules - Content

Introduction and Table of Content

CSX Listing Rules - Chapter 1


CSX Listing Rules - Chapter 2

General listing requirements and procedures

CSX Listing Rules - Chapter 3


CSX Listing Rules - Chapter 4

Council and Listing Committee

CSX Listing Rules - Chapter 5

Listing Agents

CSX Listing Rules - Chapter 6

Equity Securities

CSX Listing Rules - Chapter 7

Secondary Listings

CSX Listing Rules - Chapter 8

Specialist Debt Securities

CSX Listing Rules - Chapter 9

Investment Funds

CSX Listing Rules - Chapter 10

Depositary Receipts

CSX Listing Rules - Chapter 11

Derivate Warrants

CSX Listing Rules - Chapter 12

Corporate and Sovereign Debt Securities

CSX Listing Rules - Chapter 13

Retail Debt Securities

CSX Listing Rules - Chapter 14

Specialist Companies

CSX Listing Fees

Listing Fees

CSX Listing Rules - Appendix 1 - Complete

1A Application for Listing
1B Application for Listing of Specialist Securities
1C Application for Listing of Sponsored Depositary Receipts
1D Application for Listing of Unsponsored Depositary Receipts

CSX Listing Rules - Appendix 2 - Complete

2A Issuers Declaration
2B Issuers Declaration for Listing of Sponsored Depositary Receipts
2C Issuers Declaration for Listing of Unsponsored Depositary Receipts

CSX Listing Rules - Appendix 3 - Complete

3A Directors Declaration
3B Depositarys undertaking for Listing of Unsponsored Depositary Receipts

CSX Listing Rules - Appendix 4

Listing Agents Declaration

CSX Listing Rules - Appendix 5

Shareholders Statement

CSX Listing Rules - Appendix 6

Class Tests

Model Code of Conduct for Directors, Senior Managers and Employee Insiders

The Model Code of Conduct imposes restrictions on dealing in the securities of an issuer beyond those imposed by law. Its purpose is to ensure that persons discharging managerial responsibilities and employee insiders do not abuse, and do not place themselves under suspicion of abusing, inside information that they may be thought to have, especially in periods leading up to an announcement of the issuer’s results. It is the responsibility of the issuer and its directors and senior officers to ensure compliance with the Code. Failure to do so may lead to the Exchange taking disciplinary action.

Administrator Contact Details Form

Contact Details Form for the Administrator.

Issuer Contact Details Form

Contact Details Form for the Issuer.

Form for Daily Official List - Funds

Form for Daily Official List - Funds.

Form for Daily Official List - Debt

Form for Daily Official List - Debt.

Code Takeovers and Mergers

The Cayman Islands Stock Exchange Code on Takeovers and Mergers ("the Code") exists principally to ensure fair and equal treatment of all shareholders in relation to takeovers. The Code also provides an orderly framework within which takeovers are conducted. Those who do not conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of the Code may be sanctioned and may find that the facilities of the CSX markets are withdrawn

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