Listing Agent Benefits

Outside of the need to have a listing agent in certain instances, service providers tell us they realize there are a number of benefits from acting as a designated listing agent of the CSX.

Expanded Service Offering– CSX listing agents can take full advantage of the Exchange’s product and service offerings for their clients, reinforcing the ‘one-stop-shop’ approach for incorporating and listing entities and structures in the Cayman Islands.

Speed and Responsiveness– CSX listing agents and their clients benefit from fast and efficient listing services delivered by a team that has expert knowledge in listing a variety of products including Asset Backed Securities, Medium Term Notes, Loan Participating Notes, Corporate Bonds, Credit-Linked Notes, Funds, Equities and Warrants.

Balance Between Quality and Cost-Effectiveness– The CSX’s listing rules, fee structure and operating principles reflect its core competencies as a specialist exchange. This means CSX listing agents can offer clients cost-effective listing solutions that are of the highest globally-recognised standards.