


CNC Share Purchases:


This is to advise that during September 2009 Cayman National Corporation Ltd. (CNC) bought 21,470 shares at an average price of CI$1.97, which will be cancelled.


CNC Senior Share Purchase Plans:


This is to advise that CNC purchased shares for its Senior Share Purchase Plan as follows: October 2008, 5,325 at CI$3.17, November 2008, 5,211 at CI$3.15, December 2008, 13,306 at CI$3.04, January 2009, 5,647 at CI$2.875, February 2009, 6,183 at CI$2.625, March 2009, 16,731 at CI$2.458, April 2009, 6,829 at CI$2.375, May 2009, 6,814 at CI$2.380, June 2009, 19,798 at CI$2.375, July 2009, 6,962 at CI$2.330, August 2009, 7,351 at CI$2.208, and September 2009, 21,691 at CI$2.070.



CNC Dividend Reinvestment Plan:


This is to advise that CNC purchased shares for its Dividend Reinvestment Plan during March 2009 of 74,150 at CI$2.458 and during September 2009 of 60,544 at CI$2.083.


Please note that the US$ share price has been converted to CI$ at the rate of 1.20.


Patricia Estwick, CPA, MBA

Chief Financial Officer,

Cayman National Corporation Ltd.